
First steps

It is said that a grand adventure begins with a few steps. This is my first step on my spinning adventure. I was grateful that I had read somewhere that your very first hand spun yarn should be looked on as designer yarn because there will not be another like it. That satisfied my perfectionist side, which wanted to feel disappointed with the product of my first effort, and so my joy in the spinning was preserved.

Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. T., for the wheel, for your encouragement, and for your support.


At 2/25/2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your first yarn looks very much like my first yarn - and I've never been able to duplicate it!

At 2/25/2008 , Blogger Charity said...

How exciting! For me, when I started spinning I struggled on, and then there was suddenly a moment where everything "clicked". So wonderful. :0)

At 2/25/2008 , Blogger Jerry said...

YAY!!!!! What a wonderful sight! The fist yarn the like Christmas morning. We're so happy for you. Save that first yarn so you can enjoy it in years to come. Like Charity said, it will just click and you will feel it and think to your self, I really can do this. I'm all giddy for you!!!!!!! I know how much you wanted to do this and to see your success is heartwarming. "doing the happy dance for you"

At 2/27/2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

first yarn!!!! Yeah!!!! :-)

enjoy - I can't wait to start spinning some day

At 2/29/2008 , Blogger Yarnhog said...

Congratulations! The learning curve is surprisingly steep--you'll be spinning smooth, fine yarn in no time. And you will never be able to make yarn like that again.


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