
In need of a tune-up

I think long term sleep deprivation has significantly impacted my thought processes, and this is a busy time of year that adds a hunk of stress to the mix. This happened a little while ago and is an example of what I mean.

>(thinking to self) I need to put the seasoned meat in a covered bowl so Son-of-My-Heart can make himself tacos when he gets home from rehearsals.

>I can use a small bowl and I think there are some in the dishwasher so I will just unload those.

>It looks like the bowls have been unloaded, so I will grab cups and mugs and put them away.

>We are dirtying a lot more mugs now that Son is making himself coffee. I wonder if he uses the same mug more than once.

> My mug is here on the counter next to the espresso machine.

> I think I will have a cup of coffee.

> No, I think I will make a cup of tea with the Jasmine tea I bought today.

> (Fill mug with water. Unwrap box of tea. Put mug in microwave to heat).

> Walk out of the kitchen.

Fortunately I remembered the meat and realized why I went in the kitchen to begin with.

I just remembered that my cup of tea is still in the microwave. It is probably cold now.


I have been honored by Celadon Pool with an award:

Thank you! I am so grateful to become acquainted with such wonderful people. Thank you, Susan for visiting and commenting on my blog.

I am to choose 10 other bloggers for this award**, so in no particular order:
1. Twisted Knitster.
2. Molly Knits Sweaters.
3. KnitSpot.
4. Yarn over Manhattan.
5. a simple yarn.
6. Rosemary-go-round.
7. Raveled Sleeve.
8. Pats Knitting and Quilting.
9. Riihivilla.
10. Knit Together.
and of course, Celadon Pool.

There are several more that I would like to put on that list.

**("Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times.")


At 1/18/2008 , Blogger Jerry said...

What an honor to make your day! I know what you mean about sleep deprivation. I rarely sleep more than 4 hours a night.

At 1/18/2008 , Blogger Lynn said...

Raising my hand and saying "amen" about the sleep deprivation. It's not so bad now that I have the CPAP, but I [still] haven't slept well all week. I think it's because of the weather changes.

Thank you for this award! I'll do my own awarding tomorrow, after I've caught a Z or two.

At 1/18/2008 , Blogger Romi said...

Thank you so much! I am touched and honored. :) And sleep deprived, too!

At 1/19/2008 , Blogger Leena said...

Punkin, thank you!!!

At 1/19/2008 , Blogger Lynn said...

Right back at ya! [Congratulations! You’ve just won the “You Make My Day” award. Come steal the button from my blog and pass it on!]

At 1/20/2008 , Blogger sherriknits said...

This is funny. I found you through the comments on Hasbu's page, that you had found her through my blog!
I really enjoyed my visit and will be back.
Gosh, I am dealing with sleep deprivation today and that whole scenario made perfect sense to me.

At 1/22/2008 , Blogger Hasbu said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I enjoyed my visit here and will come back.

At 1/22/2008 , Blogger Violiknit said...

Thank you so much for the awar; you are too kind :)

Hope you get some sleep soon; I hate that feeling of being foggy and groggy...

At 1/28/2008 , Blogger Yarnhog said...

My husband calls that "long term loss of short term memory." I just call it CRS (easier to remember).

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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