Quite a day
Today started out busy as soon as my feet hit the floor. My kids had to be at the church at 6:45 to leave for their trip to Mexico to build homes for families in need. It is a fairly large group with several churches combined, so there was the loading of personal gear (they already sent their tool bags), assigning of groups, briefing of group leaders, prayer, and farewells. I visited with my childrens' father a little and then trundled towards home (with a quick stop at the bakery - it wasn't me, it was the car). I also stopped at the fabric store on the way and got some first aid supplies for my mosaic sweater (to fix where I eeek'd the steek). Oooh, and I got the elusive orange Chibi on sale for $3!!
Then I stopped at the mailbox and a package had arrived. I am trying to get back issues of Interweave Knits and I bought these 5 magazines on ebay for about $10 (they were sold as a bundle).

Am I boring you? Well the next thing that happened felt like it came straight out of a dream. After chores and some work I sauntered down to my LYS. As I joined the other knitters at the big table I noticed the table was covered with skeins, hanks, and cakes of sock yarn. A lady known to one of the knitters was no longer physically able to knit socks (how sad!) and sent all of her sock yarn stash to distribute among the sock knitters. I was gobsmacked. This lady had excellent taste in sock yarn - Lorna's Laces, Opal, etc. etc. This is what came home with me....

Three cakes of charcoal grey yarn (on the left) - it has a lovely feel to it but I don't know the brand. The three cakes in the middle are Mountain Colors. And the off-white yarn on the right is Lorna's Laces. I also got woolly nylon sock thread and 2 patterns. Speechless.
And on the way home, when I stopped for coffee at the drive up window I realized I was a little short of money but she let me order coffee anyway.
Quite a day, and it isn't over yet. I still need to finish my work for the week but I wonder if I will be able to concentrate. I might be too busy daydreaming about future projects for my new yarn. Hee hee.
How long are the kids going to be in Mexico? I didn't know the orange Chibi was elusive. Love the knitting related mail over the mundane bills don't you? Have you knit with the Mountain colors yet? We have a hank for some future socks and it looks really nice. So sad about the lady who cant knit anymore but I'm glad she passed the joy to those of you who can.
Looks the Serendipity Fairy visited both of us yesterday. Glad that you had such a good day.
Who was the knitter that can no longer knit? Or is it just socks she can't knit? I've been weaving on my inkle loom lately and not doing much knitting myself. Hope your classes all went and you had fun teaching sock knitting.
My neighbor's church also help's build homes in Mexico. It is amazing to me that in many parts of Mexico, what we would call a tool shed in the United States is a home for an entire family in the poorer states in Mexico. No running water in the homes or toilet facilities. Yet the families are so grateful for the help and new home.
Sock yarn, what a great score!
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