
This little bag is cheerful. I smile inside when I look at it. My sock needles were all empty and so I started a new pair of socks. I have been looking forward to learning toe-up techniques from Wendy Knits' new book.

I really like this book.

I finished my darning project during this same time, and it occurred to me that I need to reinforce the bottom of the heel to help guard against wear and tear there. So I abandoned my original plan and veered down a rabbit trail.

It occured to me that I need a slip stitch flap on the bottom of the heel, and so I did both. I created a 2-1/2 inch slipped stitch flap on the bottom of the heel and continued the slipped stitch pattern up the back of the heel until I finished the gusset decreases.

I think I will do a stockinette leg. I am still undecided about the cuff.

I find that my basic top-down sock pattern is one of my most favorites to wear, and so I will keep to the simple and basic on this toe-up pattern. (Unless I get drawn down another rabbit trail. )


At 11/23/2009 , Blogger Judy S. said...

Nice colors! I need to bite the bullet sometime and knit a toe=up pattern. Off to check out the book.


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