
We have contact

Thank you for the kind comments and inquiries about my daughter. She told me I would not hear anything unless something was wrong. So yesterday when she called I was excited and then very concerned. Everything is fine, though. I got a call from her around 10 o'clock Sunday night. She said it was the perfect time to call because she could wish me a happy Mother's Day, and since it was 9 o'clock Monday morning in Tanzania we could wish her Happy Birthday. She is turning 21 in Tanzania.

Not much knitting. The wrist that had carpal tunnel surgery years ago suddenly became painful. It is already beginning to recover, so I will be back to the needles soon.


At 5/12/2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know that you could track a plane flight. Glad to hear that everything is okay. The plane probably veered to avoid hitting a flock of birds traveling south for the winter. Why do we always think the worse?

At 5/12/2008 , Blogger Jerry said...

I'm sure that the phone call was just what you needed to make Mother's day perfect just short of her being there. Happy Birthday to your Daughter! Have you been knitting on small needles lately? Debbie changes her projects and types of knitting to keep the pain level at bay. Sounds like a good time to spin. :)

Maybe some relaxed long draw and change hands every half hour to prevent repetitive motion.

Hope life is treating you well,

At 5/12/2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear that she's fine. Hope the arm heals really quickly for you.

At 5/13/2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that she got there fine and a very Happy Birthday to her.

At 5/14/2008 , Blogger Stale Peeps said...

I'm so glad your daughter is doing fine. Now to take care of yourself! Take it easy for a day or two or three. I know its hard to do, cause it seems when you really shouldn't knit, you REALLY want to! Maybe now is the time to sit back and think about what to do next? Give the old hands a break. You'll be back to good as new soon.

At 5/25/2008 , Blogger FIBERYARNS said...

Its always wonderful when our daughters call us and especially on Mother's Day. Take care of your hands. Check out http://www.ergocise.htm I exercise my hands several times a day and during my shower. But the one thing that helped avoid an operation was changing my diet to a natural diet - no meat, food coloring, added chemicals, sugars. Eat fruits, vegies, grains and fish. It was a BIG change but I have use of my hands again. Good luck.


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