

I found some wonderful stitchmarkers. I was meandering through the knitting blogs on bloglines, and someone mentioned these not-so-dangly stitchmarkers that are beautiful. So I followed the link. They are beautiful and reasonably priced. I was able to buy three sets! (I already gave one set away) And the customer service was great. This is the link... Entrelac Stitch Markers & Yarn

Just a sleeve.....

The sleeve belongs to the seamless hybrid. Just a few more inches and then I can start the second sleeve. Not much to see.

My daughter was home for spring break last week and I enjoyed our time together. I showed her the Rogue sweater and asked her if she would like me to knit it for her. So once I finish one of the current WIPs (WsIP?) ..... why are there so many things I want to knit? I have to knit faster.

Oh, yah..... I was asked to teach a sock knitting class. Go figure! I do not know if it is general knowledge at the LYS yet, but they want me to submit my lesson plan in time for the newsletter. I feel like an adventurous knitter disguised as someone who looks like they know what they are doing. I just had a thought - this might give me yarn money. woo hoo.


At 4/03/2007 , Blogger MollyKnits said...

I taught a sock knitting class a while back. It is fun! I learned a lot too (like how to figure out what a left-handed continental knitter did to make her sock knit INSIDE OUT!)

At 4/04/2007 , Blogger Jerry said...

I’m not surprised that they asked you to teach, they’ve seen your beautiful work like the rest of us and they would like you to share your talents. This is just the beginning though, I think you will do a sweater class when you feel more comfortable, maybe a cardigan class. Start your lesson plan and think about September, just in time for the cold weather. After Thanksgiving you could teach your embellishments class and felted mittens just before Christmas. Fall 2008 you publish your own book of patterns with a short story about how each gift changed the lives of the recipients. “It’s More Than A Gift”. Twelve items to gift to someone and the love that goes with it.

At 4/06/2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I told Sonja I couldn't teach anymore, too many things to do to get ready for this move. You'll be a great teacher. If you like I'll let you use my generic pattern a springboard.

good luck

At 4/08/2007 , Blogger susan said...

Works in progress is right, I've got about three things on the go at the moment,and another three large projects poised!


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